Monday, February 25, 2013

Se perdió

Se perdió
por Ethan Unklesbay

Se perdió lo que en otra época era
Amigo, soldado con alma guerrera.
Quien era sostén de los santos heridos,
Mano de ángel, a los más afligidos,
Ministro que daba loor sin cesar,
Mostraba más fe que Tomás al orar.
Calmó a la bestia que quiso avanzar;
Encontró al que se quiso bautizar.
Se entregó, él, a Dios para salvación;
Se salvó el salvaje de la perdición.
Conoció, y creó, y cambió, me mostró
La razón por la cual Yéshua nos expió
El pecado y error, la tentación fuerte,
Angustia y maldad, aun hasta la muerte.
Me enseñó en su testificar del Señor
Olvidarme de tribulación y dolor.
Pero ya se aleja de lo que enseñó.
De lo bueno que hizo se arrepintió.
Se perdió lo que en otra época era
Amigo, soldado con alma guerrera.

'Tis lost
by Ethan Unklesbay

'Tis lost what was in another time
A friend, a soldier with a warrior's soul.
He who was support for the wounded saints,
The hand of angels to to those most afflicted,
A minister who never did cease to give praise
Showed more faith than Thomas whenever he prayed.
He calmed the beast that would have advanced
He found those who would be baptized.
He gave himself to God for salvation;
The wild one saved from perdition.
He knew, he believed, he changed, he showed
The reason why Yeshua atoned for our
Sins and wrongs, the strongest temptation,
Anguish and wickedness, even to death.
He taught me as he testified of the Lord
To forget about my tribulation and pain.
But now he is distanced from that which he taught,
Turned away from the good he had done.
'Tis lost what was in another time
A friend, a soldier with a warrior's soul.

Friday, February 22, 2013


by Gabriela Mistral
translated by Ethan Unklesbay

The sea with its thousand waves,
rocks divinely.
The loving seas in my ears,
I rock my child.

The wandering wind of night
Rocks fields of grain.
The loving winds in my ears,
I rock my child.

God, Father of thousands of worlds,
Rocks them gently.
His hand felt in the shadows,
I rock my child.

My Cup

My Cup
by Robert Friend

They tell me I am going to die.
Why don't I seem to care?
My cup is full. Let it spill.

It's interesting to read this after a close friend has passed away. Especially a friend who let her cup spill so generously.

We spend our whole lives trying to fill ourselves with something, and there are so many things that just don't matter, that don't put anything in our cup, per se. If we spend our time wisely, focus on the small things, help others, share the multitude of blessings that God sees fit to give to us, we will spend our lives filled to the brim, ready to overflow. Whether we die young or live to be a hundred and two, I believe that we should live with a "Let it spill" kind of attitude. My cup is full. To quote the psalmist, it "runneth over", it's overflowing. If I can let that goodness spill out over others, I will only have room for more.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

It is Strictly Prohibited

This is a personal favorite attributed to Pablo Neruda, Chilean poet, and translated by myself.

Crying without learning,
Getting up one day without knowing what to do,
Being afraid of your memories is strictly prohibited.

Not smiling at your problems,
Not fighting for what you love,
Abandoning it all for fear,
Failing to turn your dreams into reality, is strictly prohibited.

Not showing your love

And making someone else pay your debts and pay for your bad days, is strictly prohibited.

Leaving friends behind,
Not trying to comprehend what you lived together,
Calling them only when you need them, is strictly prohibited.

Not being yourself in front of others,
Acting like people aren't important to you,
Being "the funny guy" only to be remembered,
Forgetting about people who really care about you, is strictly prohibited.

Not doing anything of your own right,
Not believing in God, not making your destiny,
Fear of life and commitments,
Not living every day as if it were your last breath, is strictly prohibited.

Missing someone without cheering up,
Forgetting their eyes, their smile, everything,
Just because your paths have lost their embrace,
Forgetting your past and paying for it with your present, is strictly prohibited.

Not trying to understand people,
Thinking their lives are worth more than yours,
Not knowing that everyone has their own path and happiness, is strictly prohibited.

Not creating your own story,
Ceasing to give thanks to God for your life,
Not having just one moment for the people who need you,
Not understanding that what life gives, life can take away, is strictly prohibited.

Not looking for your own happiness,
Not living your life with a positive attitude,
Not believing that we can be better,
Not feeling that without you, this world would never be the same, is all strictly prohibited.