Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Finals: a series of haiku

So it's the end of the semester yet again, and finals week has given us all a pretty good run for our money. In honor of finals week coming to its close, I have decided to compose a series of haiku.
In other news the line for the testing center apparently stretched past the JSB, the Eyring, the SWKT, and even past the JFSB. For those of you who aren't familiar with BYU campus, that's about a 3-hour wait to get in and take a test.
As of 8:30, it was still out by the Eyring. That's a solid hour and a half at least.
Without further ado, a series of haiku.

Finals week is done.
What am I supposed to do
With all this free time?

"School's out for summer!"
My neighbors shout at twilight.
Parties will be had.

Testing Center line:
I don't think it was your fault.
You don't put tests off.

Eight cans of Red Bull,
Twenty pages of research,
Four tests, and I die.

Is the mother of hard work.
Who is the father?

Nature breeds success.
Nature chooses to select.
Nature's always right.

Water cuts through rock
Only with persistent flow.
May we work the same.

During the Spring term
I relax, enjoy the sun,
And get my work done.

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